Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sydney Won Talent

Well it's official, our very own Miss Teen Texas is a double prelim winner! Tonight Sydney won Talent. She sang her song just incredibly..I got chills!

Several other state delegations came up to sydney during visitation and told her that they are glad that she won! Now that's immpresive! Sydney was excited and a tad bit overwhelmed at Visitation, but she looked great, and is excited to have a less hectec day tomorrow.

Teen Colorado is on crutches after spraining her ankle the other day, and then having to dance on it yesterday. But she is in high spirits, and she and Sydney have really bonded.

We will get to see and sit with Sydney tomorrow at the sock hop! Can not wait for that! This whole experience is very exciting for Sydney, and everyone that gets to ride along with her.. so keep your fingers crossed and I will keep you updated!

Talent Rehersal

I just got back from Talent Rehersal and Sydney Looked GREAT!!!!! She sang beautifully, and her gown is gorgeous!!! She told Lydia that she is really happy and that she is having a great day, and is very excited to sing tonight! So she is in a good place and tonight should be great!

There are 4 other singers in her group, and the rest are dancers, one twirler. Two singers are opera, and the other is singing "You can't stop the beat" and tapping. Sydney is by far the most technically talented singer, and, in my tottally unbiased opinion, the most beautiful!

I will post again tonight, now that the hotel internet is actually working!

Wednesday Night

Sydney did great last night in the Physical Fittness competition. It's a little different then what tey wear at Texas. The outfit is red or blue sofe shorts and a matching T-shirt that says MAOT 08 and white tennis shoes.

She looked radiant in the closing number- and was in good spirits when I saw her at visitation.

I am headed to talent rehersal right now, I will keep you updated!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Night Prelims and Sydney WON!!!

Just got word from Orlando that Sydney won Preliminary Evening Gown and On-stage Question!

Evening Gown and Onstage Question are scored together and comprise 30% of the final score.

Word is that she and the entire Texas Delegation are absolutely Thrilled! and so are we back home in Texas! GO SYDNEY!!!!!!

Tomorrow night I will arrive in Orlando and will be able to give more detailed entries. Sydney will compete in Aroebic Wear tomorrow!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

8/10/08- A note from Melissa Capello-

I spoke with Lydia this morning and she said Sydney has been doing well. She has been able to see her the past two nights at events for limited conversation and has spoken to her by phone some as well. Sydney is downstairs in interview now and Lydia said she looks calm and composed. Tonight there is a dinner and we will get to see her there. Off to find some fun today!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just got this note from Sydney's sister, Melissa Capello on Facebook.

8/7/08- Sydney checked in/officially arrived at MAOT earlier today. She checked in to her room this evening at 6p. Her roommate is 14 year old Miss Teen New Mexico and she does not have a director. Her talent is also vocal. Her mom and grandma brought her to MAOT. Sydney feels blessed to have Lydia prepare her and take her there.Tonight they had their kick off celebration event from 8p-10p, so things are up and going now! First stage of competition for Sydney will be interview on Sunday. Just thought I would put some information out there....

I did Talk to Sydney right after they checked into their room the night before check in and she was feeling relaxed and good. She told me she was ready to get started!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sydney Capello, Miss Teen Texas, will be competeing for Miss Americas' Outstanding Teen August 12-16 in Orlando, Florida. I will be posting pictures and updates starting august 13. Keep Sydney in your thoughts as she prepares for the competition of a lifetime!

Sydney and Cassidy